Managing Successful Programmes

‘Managing Successful Programmes’ represents proven Best Practice programme management and is a framework for successfully delivering large scale, so called, transformational change through a dossier of related projects and related activities to make the change ‘stick’.

MSP Foundation Course Info
MSP Practitioner Course Info
MSP Re-registration Course Info

About Managing Successful Programmes Course

Whilst not being prescriptive it is very flexible and designed to be adapted to meet the needs of local circumstances. It provides an adaptable route to facilitating change and reaches its ultimate objectives by bringing together the key elements of governance themes, together with transformational flow processes, all underpinned by common sense principles to enable success.

·  MSP e-learning is a cheap and effective way to gain your MSP certification.

·  PMOBytes provides some of the most interactive, well-structured, interesting MSP Computer Based Training in the world.

·  MSP e-learning is also known as MSP cbt, MSP distance learning, and MSP online training

MSP Truly effective training

Results of MSP distance learning is recorded and available for tracking. e-Learning is easily accessible, time efficient and should require minimal instructor involvement. Training is also provided at remote sites to avoid high travel costs.

Reduced MSP Learning Time

Proven by more than 30 studies, interactive e-learning reduces learning time as much as 50 percent. The combination of interactive visuals and audio explanation delivers information in an easily understood format.

Reduced Cost

·       The primary costs of multimedia learning are one-time costs.

·       The cost per student for e-learning is reduced as more students use the same multimedia training programme.

·       Average e-learning time decreases giving a quick return on investment.

·       Students learn more, increasing productivity and effectiveness.

·       Most students prefer interactive e-learning to other training methods.

Instructional Consistency

Computer-based instruction is delivered in a consistently reliable fashion that does not vary in quality from class to class or topic to topic.

Increased Retention

The process of interaction with the content rich e-learning material provides a strong learning reinforcement that significantly increases content retention.

Increased Motivation

Our Interactive distance learning systems provide a level of responsive feedback and individual involvement that has proved to be highly motivating.

Enjoy Interactive MSP Learning

The one-on-one nature of our CBT systems help students take greater control and hence responsibility for their own learning process.

Cope Easily with Increasing Demand

Today, there are usually fewer training department personnel to train an ever-larger number of employees.

Automatic Student Data and Reporting

All our courses automate the tracking of student records and reporting of information.

Proof of Training

The e-learning courses use an admin module to deliver and administer the training and keep track of each student’s use of the material. Also, by having evidence that learning occurred, students can receive a ‘letter of course attendance’, upon request.



For any more clarification email us @ in relation to any of the above courses