IELTS General Testing preparation course  in Qatar for students who plan to pursue their studies abroad or for professionals who are planning to migrate to other countries which require English  language ability as a prerequisite for immigration.  

IELTS preparation can be overwhelming for busy students and professionals, we at PMOBytes are providing all the required study resources along with a structured plan with guided learning sessions to enable you to achieve a better band in your exams. This course will assist you to have all required learning and resources from one source and practice your skills with a qualified English instructor.


Course Covers and Duration

Why PMOBytes?

The IELTS Preparation course is aimed at getting the IELTS score you want. As well as plenty of opportunities to practise for the test, you will be given information and tips to help you, such as: 

– How to approach the tasks / questions

– What the examiners are looking in the exams?

– What to do (& what not to do!)?

– How to prepare for the writing tasks?


– How to manage your time in the exam?


– Examples of good and bad answers?

Free access to this application will be provided to all students to plan and track their progress


For any more clarification email us @ or call us on 00974 31552224  

Register for the course now for the next class :